The updated collar is on the dog. I'll find a few more and drill them ahead to have them ready. I typically need to change out the collars about every 12-18 months. Sometimes they wear out, others (like last spring) due to skunk. Hoping to have no more of those. Six jars of my Nacho mix are now in the freezer after having a couple of meals from the batch. My future self will thank me. The front yard looks a bit naked on the south side, but it's better than having a dead tree there. I have some work to do (remove tires from the berm) and then I'll put in a new tree a few feet further over. (I can spread a lot of zeolite in the area to absorb toxins leached from the tires to help the area recover.) I was in the yard during much of the work today and I think I still have some sawdust in my hair. Heading for the shower.