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GUEST,henryp ADD: Songs For Farmers Everywhere... (19) RE: For Farmers Everywhere... 19 Nov 24

The Whitby Farmer Tune; The Man in the Moon
From a tale told by Jack Beeforth, a retired farmer, interviewed by Dave Hillery in 1974.

A farmer he goes to the Martinmas Fair
To see the farm workers who all gather there.
Lad, ista for hiring? Hasta got a strong arm?
Says the lad, I can do onnything on a farm.

Chorus; Now you may be a farmer or follow the plough
But in this rough world we must rub along now
Wherever you go and whatever you do
In all of your dealings be honest and true

Well thoo looks a good lad. Wheer were you last year?
Says the lad, Wi’ t’feller as stands over theer.
Now if he will put in a good word for thee,
Then I’ll hire thee this year – tha can come wham wi’ me.

Now the lad he steps over to get a good word.
Nay, says his owd master, Lad, have yer not heard?
You deean’t want to go wi’ him and mek a new home.
He’ll hunger thee and work thee reet dahn to the bone.

So the lad he goes back to the farmer again.
Have you got a good word, lad? the farmer says then.
Nay, says the lad, I’ve not got one for me,
And without one I can't come a-working for thee.

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