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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 20 Nov 24

I use "xmas" because it is actually an acceptable shortening of the holiday (looking in style manuals) and I lowercase it because I'm not a believer in anything to do with the biblical part of it. At my doctor's office yesterday there was a Bible (the English major in me has that book capitalized and italicized, to distinguish from the catholic use of the word to describe compendiums on various subjects) sitting on the end table in the waiting area. I casually turned it face down and moved it off to the side. Following the scan the book was in the same place but turned face up. I was tempted to lift it and dump it in the trash outside the office, but I didn't. It's my opinion vs theirs. You saw what I did there.

The SUV is tidied this morning and three of us will go out to lunch today then leave our daughter-unit with pumpkins, olive oil, and the machete she had her father dig out of his garage for her. The only way she could easily move all of this on her own is if she had Hermione Granger's fancy handbag. We've worked out where we'll all park so the transit of pumpkins will be easy. They're all quite large.

Last night I struggled with making a master photo of beer glasses to use in each eBay ad. They're more difficult than shots of the angular Duratuff glasses (where it's possible to avoid the odd reflections). If I want them to be perfect it will involve a tripod and daylight only (no flash or side lighting.)

I'm building up BlueSky (adding accounts I follow and who follow me) to resemble the old Twitter and next will set up one of the docking sites for organizing those I follow into subject lists (TweetDeck was the app that worked well with Twitter in the past. Musk killed it off.) I need to organize all of the brain-droppings in blogs and micro-blogs and such out there. Use or get rid of, primarily.

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