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Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 20 Nov 24

The Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) wasn't finished with the drama reported in the last post. I decided to take a look at how the device was functioning via the software in the computer, and it looked normal. I moved over a tab and told it to perform the self test. Two seconds later there is a modest explosion in the corner of the room and flames erupted inside the UPS. I pulled off all of the device plugs on the back (as the flames went out) and lugged it out into the yard. This was on its second battery, replaced probably 18 months ago.

I've read reviews and ordered a new UPS to arrive overnight and for now the computer and everything are running while plugged into a surge protector. There's another one of these things in the hall closet, also on a replacement battery, and I'm thinking perhaps I'll replace that next (my modem and router are plugged in there). Soon. That will get a more modest battery backup and surge protection - I don't address that one through the network, though it's designed for that use. I could pay $20 less and get the same UPS delivered next week from Costco, but it isn't worth leaving all of this equipment unprotected that long.

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