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Stilly River Sage BS: Let's talk about the US election (368* d) RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election 21 Nov 24

Big Al, YOU keep bringing it up. I just described the numbers game that gets played here. Dick, stop sending PMs.

We know what happened, but the difference in votes is about 0.05% that would have turned the election. If half of one percent of all of those voters were in those swing states, Harris would have won even without the popular vote (it's how Trump won the first time). It's a screwed up system based upon colonial Southern landowners in slave-holding states. It means Harris connected with a lot of people, she wasn't out of touch, but they didn't figure out how to get past the outright lies told by the Trump campaign to working people who didn't know that their news sources are like FOX as Trump parrots or like 'influencers' on disconnected social media. And don't doubt that Russia influenced a lot of those disconnected folks.

The party chairs in each state will sum up the results in their states and the party will choose a new leader and maybe in two years the Democratic opposition will break through that news/sound barrier.

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