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Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 21 Nov 24

That's a good-looking bench! Very sturdy. Good luck getting it assembled!

The one I built used an old redwood picnic table that the former renter's dogs had chewed on and it was wobbly as a table. But the 2x6 planks were great material to reuse and I had a large piece of furniture-grade plywood to use for the top. Since the garage was built new in 2002 and the house in 1976 I decided to put in a bench that looked weathered enough that it had been around a long time, giving more continuity between the new garage and the older house.

The house is at that point where I'm ready to turn on the heat. Maybe this evening. I've pulled out the strings of holiday lights that I wrap around a juniper at the bottom of the driveway so I can put them up while the daytime temperatures are still warm. I won't turn them on until December.

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