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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 29 Nov 24

Dorothy, small repairs like that are wonderful gifts to yourself or the garment wearer. A favorite shirt or pants is back in service with no need to buy more. On the clothes front I await a message from a woman who asked for two pairs of size 14 bluejeans I offered on the local Buy Nothing page. They were listed on Wednesday but yesterday wasn't one for pickup so hopefully today I can move these out to the porch.

Charmion and Andrew, I have tarantulas in my yard, and occasionally they get into the house. There is a technique of dropping a clear plastic take-out container over the spider then sliding a piece of cardboard under it for safe removal outdoors. I keep a couple of those containers near the back door so I don't have to run to find one and possibly lose track of the critter. Which reminds me, a Mediterranean house gecko got into the sunroom last week and slid under the trim at the side of the room before I could catch it. I need to see if he's hanging out in the plants or needs removal.

My cold weather story this morning is that the SUV told me there was low pressure in one tire. When I got to the cat sitting gig I used my portable compressor to add air to the front passenger side. Then it told me they all needed air so when I got home I worked my way around the vehicle (the little pump is slow, about 5 minutes per tire) and they are all where they should be. It has a new battery, tires that have a lifetime as long as the vehicle, and is paid off, so let's hope we get through the next four years without needing to buy something new. I think by now there is a rush to buy existing vehicles and there is no need to go into debt out of fear.

No shopping today, but earlier this week I ordered a new toner cartridge for my laser printer so in a way it is a Black Friday (it should arrive today).

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