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GUEST,keberoxu Battle of the Folk Bands: PP&M vs. KT (21) RE: Battle of the Folk Bands: PP&M vs. KT 01 Dec 24

For me it isn't versus, it's "and".

My parents' record collection had vinyl long-playing albums
by both groups -- the original Kingston Trio, I hasten to add.

So I grew up listening to both.
And they both were my introduction to many traditional songs.
Peter Paul & Mary's first album ran a gamut:
Pete Seeger, Rev. Gary Davis, several gospel songs,
and yes, a few pop tunes thrown in.

The Kingston Trio album had Hawaiian/Tongan chants on it,
a Scottish folk song,
the English folk song The Keeper,
Carrier Pigeon which sounds like some kind of calypso.
They, too, introduced me to many things.
I am indebted to them all/both.

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