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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 03 Dec 24

When I got the new AT&T fiber Internet they offered a thank-you of a gift card or cash card, whatever, but those things are notoriously difficult to use unless they're something like the Amazon card. Flash that barcode at Amazon and they credit your account in a hurry. So that $100 is here and in the account. Often times when people switch companies they have to pay a penalty so a few days later AT&T asked if I had to pay a penalty when I left. Well, not exactly, but they didn't prorate back the rest of the month, so they kinda did. Fine, AT&T says they're sending another card. Good time of year to bulk up the Amazon account.

The other online clearing out I'm doing this week is unsubscribing stuff that I never read or that got added alongside other stuff (one account I followed on Substack was set up so you ended up with four other related subscriptions at the same time. I got the one I wanted and now will unsubscribe the others.) The email is a jumble of after-the-fact fundraising, holiday fundraising, Giving Tuesday fundraising . . . ugg.

Oh, and 1000.

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