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Stilly River Sage Bodleian Ballads on line no longer available. (12) RE: Ballads on line no longer available. 05 Dec 24

The page lists alternative ways to access the Broadside Ballads.

Users seeking broadside ballads in Bodleian collections can access information in the following places:

A listing of each of the Bodleian collections of broadside ballads is available below. The broadside ballad items in these collections are listed in order by shelfmark, with title and first line.

Bodleian Ashmole collection
Bodleian Curzon collection
Bodleian Douce collection
Bodleian Firth collection
Bodleian Gough collection
Bodleian Harding collection
Bodleian John Johnson collection
Bodleian Rare Books collection
Bodleian Rawlinson collection
Bodleian Wood collection

Scroll down on each of these links to get to the data. They all have the same header with these links and message.

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