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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 05 Dec 24

I dressed for work in the yard today but so far have only made it out to the bay laurel to pick a leaf to add to the turkey soup I made this morning. It's warmer now so when the soup is finished I need to go outside.

There is a batch of broth simmering (the neck, back, and a couple of other trimmed parts were browned and now in water for broth to freeze). The soup is made with broth from simmering the baked carcass. To keep it more keto-like I just used carrots, no potatoes or noodles. And I've added tofu for protein and to have more volume in the soup solids. (There is also onion, celery, and some herb along with the last of the turkey meat.)

This morning I called a woman I met a couple of weeks ago through the Freecycle group. She told me at the time that she has plants in her yard she wants to give away before they move and several of them are small shrubs I've wanted (but are difficult to find at local nurseries). I'll go over next week and dig a few to plant here. I'll do them bare root so I'm not lugging around big pots of soil.

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