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Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 06 Dec 24

There is a bugger of a jigsaw puzzle that has been on the sunroom table for far too long. I am to the point of filling in the whitish background, the last of all of the zones. This one. As I worked I was doing various characters or objects, but shifted to color zones starting with the green field and body of the large cat, when I've literally arranged pieces by the shape; one, two, three, or four of the knobs or tabs. Working by shape and finally able to catch some of the nuance of the slight color shifts is finally paying off. This one is right up there with the gourmet cheeses puzzle for difficulty.

Charmion I suppose when you shop this time of year you can use an insulated bag for the avocados so they don't get too cold in the car if you make many stops while you're out. Those bags are a feature of every car in Texas for shopping during the hot months to get frozen goods home more or less still frozen. Enjoy that rehearsal and performance. There must be a robust locker room for changing for the concert and stashing all of the cold weather gear you all wear to get there.

Patty, how is the construction work going? That lumber you had delivered is for an outside project?

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