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GUEST,Peter Liberman Obit: Josh White, Jr. (1940-2024) (9) RE: Obit: Josh White, Jr. (1940-2024) 04 Jan 25

I just found out that Donnie has died. Not the news I was expecting when I Google him. I'm exactly 5 years to the day younger than he. I met him twice, the first time was at Bridgewater State College (now University)
when I was doing lighting for the college drama club and for visiting musicians and acting companies. He shared a manager with the group, David, Delarosa and Brooks and having a night off, he came to their concert. We spent some time just shooting the breeze. The second time I met him was at the Viking Hotel in Newport, RI where he was visiting a mutual friend, the late Jazz pianist, Mac Chrupcala, whom I knew because he and my wife both taught at Rogers High School. Again we just had a pleasant conversation. Nothing really Earth shattering but I'm forever grateful to have shared some time with him. Donnie, may you rest in peace.

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