Oh Mary was a virgin, she birthed the son of God, but that was not sufficient, she had to go with John and travel to Jerusalem and there he made her new and now she's sitting in Glory with better things to do. He's got better things for you, more than your friends can do, he's got the Holy Ghost and the Bible, He wants to bring you through. He's got better things for you, more than your friends can do, so set your mind on Jesus, and better things for you.
Amnos he was humble, he prayed to God all day, but that was not sufficient, he did not kneel to pray. So God sent down his angels and showed him what to do and now he's sitting in Glory with better things to do.
As remembered from Holy Modal Rounders. I always thought it was Omnayous but on researching with the bible in mind found Amnos, but on rereading it I realize that Amnos, from the greek means Lamb of God, so did the angels teach Jesus how to pray?