1) I'm looking for my own email and will join soon 2) Find your local Society for Creative Anachronsms (sca.org)group. A lot of the dances overlap. Also, try finding a local National Scottish Country Dance Society group. I'm sure they have a website. Go to Piney Woods up north. Do NOT watch Riverdance, trying to immitate them. The Irish dance step they do a lot is called "sevens and threes" and is a pain in the tuckuss to teach. FYI: Irish dancing looks that way because most of it was done in the kitchen or living rooms of very small cottages during one of those annoying crackdowns by the English(as in they were not allowed to be seen doing it, let alone speaking their native tongue or be jailed). So, the dances, which were probably as lively as Scottish Country dances, became the dances we see exhibited on (shudder) Riverdance-straight armed with little vertical movement. That way if the constable came a callin' they could quickly disperse.