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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
tiggerdooley BS: Convince me that today is a good day! (41) RE: BS: Convince me that today is a good day! 23 Mar 01

Aw, you guys!!!!! I KNEW you could sort me out. Soon this crap will be a distant memory, and I'll be on the other side of it, and I know that. I might just get some sleep, and if it's raining when I wake up, then I know God's having a laugh and things can only get better, but if it's sunny, then it's a sign that the tide is turning.

All of a sudden, the Waterboys come to mind. They got me through some shit when I was a kid, and they might just do it again, along with my friends at the Mudcat. Thanks for your dots on a screen, folks. They help. If anyone else is a bit wobbly right now, listen to the album 'This is the Sea' by the Waterboys.

'That was the river, this is the sea...'

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