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Bill - Scotland Mudcat (THE WORLD)Let us know where you are. (182* d) RE: Mudcat (THE WORLD)Let us know where you are. 20 Oct 98

Great thread!!!! Just to let you know that there are "Jocks" out here. I live in Aberdeenshire in the North east of Scotland. I'm actually writing this from an oil rig in the middle of the North Sea and the weather today is nice and bright if a bit cold and windy.
I've been playing guitar for more than twenty years now and have almost reached the novice stage. Mostly folk and traditional music, I'm enjoying playing and singing now more than ever. I write my own songs, often in the Doric language of the area and have started performing them at our folk club and in some of the gigs.
I also play the bodhran, harmonica and have just taken up learning the fiddle.
Greetings to all the Mudcatters from the Wild North Sea.!!

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