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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
tiggerdooley BS: Convince me that today is a good day! (41) RE: BS: Convince me that today is a good day! 24 Mar 01

Thanks, guys. I'm feeling SOOOOOOOOOO much better.

Kendal, I once fed my mum the same line, when I was a young degenerate (now I'm a not-so-young one, but I am becoming more refined as I get on). Trouble was, I didn't think of using a £20 to back up my story! What I didn't tell her was that before I'd met up with my friends, I'd been with my Dad at a Squeeze gig, and HE'D bought the beer that did this to me...


I've got all 'Zen' about my problems, now. Money? Hah! Pain? Hah! I have my health and my insanity. I am a wealthy woman!

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