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GUEST,j.marcus Nylon Banjo Strings (17) Nylon Banjo Strings 03 Apr 01

There is a company called Aquila that makes synthetic strings they call Nygut. They say it sounds like gut but has the reliability of nylon. They are willing to make strings for 5 string banjo (which I need,)but they need information that I don't have. They asked for the following information: "I have gauges of Nylgut from .36mm to 1.04mm in 120cm lengths, so we should be able to come up with something. Do you have any idea of what the tension should be? Also, what is the string length? Any guesses about gauges? I'll be happy to work with you to try and fit some strings, and I can calculate gauges and tensions easily, and sometimes can cross reference from current string informat ion."

Does anyone out there have this information? Alternatively do you know of a company that makes nylon strings for 5 string banjo. Many thanks

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