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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
tiggerdooley BS: Your funniest gig anecdote (38) RE: BS: Your funniest gig anecdote 03 Apr 01

I can't do a blue clicky, but I've told this one on another thread. We were playing an open mic night, and this guy was being a real drunken asshole all night. Part of the way through our first song, he falls onto the tiny stage, almost knocks over tiny me, and almost smashes my teeth with the mic stand. I didn't stop singing - not once - and all of a sudden, as he lay floundering on the floor, I kicked him in the head. Full force!!!!! (Well, as much force as a girl of my stature can give.) As I've said before, I'm quite the pacifist, and I give people a lot of chances, but this night, I just saw red. The crowd loved it and they paid more attention to our music than open mic crowds normally do!!! I got a round of applause and handshakes - all while we finished the set!! And people still come up to me and say he deserved it.

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