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GUEST,ApparentDefense Kingston trio--a place in history (55* d) RE: Kingston trio--a place in history 12 Apr 01

This is for Carol's Friend Don and I hope this helps. The Modern Folk Quartet was Cyrus Faryar, late of Dave Guard & The Whiskeyhill Singers, Tad Diltz, aka Henry Diltz who made a name for himself photographing rock stars of the 60's and 70's, one of the Yester brothers-Jim or Jerry who had descended from the New Christy Minstrels/Jerry to The Association and Jim to the MFQ-could be vice versa, and I don't know the fourth member of the group. Might have been David "Buck" Wheat, the old Kingston Trio bass player.

THey did an album and the last I saw of them was at the old Cafe Wha? in the Village back in 1965 when they were trying out a folk-rock act. Can't recall the name although it's on the tip of my memory.

That's the last I ever heard of them. If you liked total bastardization of even the 'commercial' folk idiom, you'd have loved them. Great harmonies!

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