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GUEST,Wavestar BS: Some Sweet Justice Against the KKK (78* d) RE: BS: Some Sweet Justice Against the KKK 18 Apr 01

Greg - That does clear things up. I'd still like to see more of what you have to say, bibliography or not.

Claymore - Apology accepted. I appreciate your personal comments on the nature of war and knowing why one fights it - hearing from one who has done so is often more informative than any generalisation. You are clearly taking a lot of time to offer these thoughts to us, as well as your own knowledge of situations like modern activities of the Ku Klux Klan.

Once again I seek clarifacation regarding the historical sides of your postings. I gather from your recent post that the information you provided, regarding the reasons for the formation of the Ku Klux Klan after the Civil War and during the Reformation period, to provide vigilante justice and force action from the government, is what was taken as a 'stipulation,' yes? These were the agreed upon truths that were taken as basis for the case hearings. (to my understanding.) So, if Forrest disbanded the KKK, what was the later justification for its re-emergence?

Please correct any misapprehensions I may have, I mean no offense, and I'm sorry if I've misread anything.


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