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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,elg BS: oh Canada!!! (66* d) RE: BS: oh Canada!!! 19 Apr 01

In the spirit of bi-national bipartisanship, one might well note the MANY things that Canada and the U.S. have done TOGETHER. From the profoundly important (taking 3 of the 5 invasion beaches in the Normandy Invasion of 1944, the first definitive assault on the obscene evil of Nazi Germany) to the recreational (co-inventing North American football; the first game being a Harvard-McGill match in the spring of 1874, using new game rules distinguishably distinct from those of soccer or rugby) to the trivial (the new U.S. golden dollar coin being pretty much a copy of the "loonie") to the indispensible (the North American power grid, which feeds electricity back and forth to meet power demands on both sides of the border).

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