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Devildog Lyr req: Ian & Sylvia songs. Katy Dear, others (33) Lyrics: Beep beep or Little Nash Rambler 12 Apr 97

It played on the radio for a little while on the radio in the early sixties. I think the name was Beep Beep or,maybe, Little Nash Rambler. It started out slow and sped up till it reached a fevered pitch. It began, " I was riding in my caddilac and what to my surprise, a little Nash Rambler pulled up on me about one third my size. He must have been looking for trouble cause he kept on tooting his horn. I'll show him that a caddilac is not a car to scorn. Beep Beep, Beep Beep, his horn went Beep Beep Beep." It's the middle part I need help with. It finally ends with the Rambler catching up to the caddy and the driver of the Rambler opens the window and yells to the Caddy: "Hey, buddy, how do you get this car out of second gear!" Any help will be greatly appreciated!

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