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The Mudcat Cafesj

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After I read this post and laughed myself silly I came across a post that changed the entire complexion of the thread. But so be it, everyone has an opinion. IT is to bad that people cant see beyond the tips of their noses even with glasses on.

Laughter is a great medicine, and everyone of these jokes I have heard in thirty different ways about 650 different nationalities. Every joke is told to bring a smile, a chuckle or a laugh to someone. Maybe as it was pointed out, some jokes were made originally to hide certain barbed digs at a group. But here on the cat I feel they were in good fun, Its too bad that things just couldnt be taken that way without people looking for hidden meanings or slights at an ethnic group.

I am on my high horse tonight, if you want to know about what kind of a person I am, and what my makeup is read another post I made to the American National ANthem thread.

Have a great day and remember, If you can laugh at yourself with others and about others with them, it sure lifts the weights of the world.


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