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GUEST,AKRick Where do you get your news? (57* d) RE: Where do you get your news? 30 May 01

I read the local daily and watch the CNN channels for general disinfotainment ... so I can see what most people consider news. Depending on what's going on on C-Span, I may watch that. From there, I have several websites I check almost daily. These include,, IndyMedia, and the sites of Mother Jones, and Z magazine. There are a couple of sites that compile the sites of other sources. Foreign Synthesis, for instance, links with the major papers of dozens of countries 'round the world ... helps me keep my French and Russian reading skills up to speed, also. I read half a dozen or so magazines a month, these could include Covert Action Quarterly, Extra!, or The Progressive. And I read books ... Chomsky's a big fave. Ralph Nader recently gave me his most recent book on corporate lawyers. Right now, I'm reading 'Day of Deceit', by Rbt. Stinnett, on FDR's foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack. When I'm not playing music (my regular job), I'm an information junkie. Rick

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