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John J at home Elderflower Champagne (55* d) Elderflower Champagne 30 May 01

Geordie Broon expressed an interest in this recipe at the recent Yorkshire Gathering. It's not alchoholic, but it's dead easy to make and tastes WONDERFUL.

bits: 4 large heads of elderflower (picked on a dry sunny day) Juice and thinly pared rind of 1 lemon 2 tablespoons of white vinegar (I use white wine vinegar) 1.5lb (700g) granulated sugar

Method: Place all the ingredients in a large container with 8 pints (4.5l) of water. Stir to help dissolve the sugar, cover with a cloth for 24 hours. Strain and pour into sterilised screw-top bottles that have previously held a sparkling drink **VERY IMPORTANT, THIS DRINK GETS SERIOUSLY FIZZY). Screw on the caps tightly and leave for two to three weeks before sampling so that it developes a fizz. Store in a cool place. Drink within 3 months.

You can collect elderflowers around this time of the year freeze them so you can make this brill drink anytime of the year.

Hope you enjoy it!


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