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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,NH Dave BS: Help Girl Scouts stay inclusive of all! (76* d) RE: BS: Help Girl Scouts stay inclusive of all! 31 May 01

Sorry, that one got away from me on this 'puter.

I'd like to address the concerns that were expressed in previous messages.

Do BSA or GSA receive tax funds?

No, not as such, but they DO enjoy a special status with the Military and many state institutions that ARE funded from public funds. This includes cut rate lodging at military institutions while on trips, and early dibs on military equipment that has been declared surplus to military needs.

Does United Way have the right to refuse to fund BSA because of BSA's policy vis-a-vis gays?

Yes, the United Way is a private organization who determines who may receive funds donated to them.

Does BSA have a right to determine who they want to allow to join?

Certainly. This was determined by the Supreme Court in Dale vs BSA. We may not like it, but it has been decided to be the law of the land.

If they excluded blacks or Jews, would that be okay?

No, but that was not the issue, merely, "could they as a private organization, determine who may be a member?"

Do people who "disapprove" of homosexuality have the right to write letters to GSA?

Certainly. Everyone can/may write letters to almost anyone, on any subject, saying almost anything. n.b. Letters to the White House threatening the President are guaranteed to focus more attention on you than you ever could have imagined possible, by large, serious men in drab business suits.

Will GSA really change its policy due to the number of letters pro- or con- that it receives?

Probably not.

What role, if any, does the government have in telling private individuals or groups what to do?

None whatsoever as long as they don't threaten the public safety. i.e. The KKK can say and do anything they wish as long as they don't trespass, burn thingsw on YOUR lawn, or injure another.

Is BSA a religious organization?

They claim not to be, but their stands are those of a conservative religious organization. This is one of the issues between the BSA and the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Should it be?

The BSA claims to be an secular organization, which by its very definition implies a Christian thrust. In spite of this, BSA honors most of the recognised faiths even those which don't have a central or clearly ennunciated "God". Having said this, BSA states that religious beliefs are essential to becoming a good citizen, one of the aims of the movement, so a case could be made that it enforces religious standards of sorts.

If it is, does this change what the gov't can force it to do?

Nope. Same logic as above.

The BSA awards religious awards.

The BSA does NOT grant religious awards, but recognises awards from many of the more conventional faiths. They have refused to recognise any awards from the Wiccans, and currently do not recognise UUA awards, mostly because the UUA points out the hypocracy evident here, and teaches their youth how to recognise double standards like those promulgated by the BSA. i.e. BSA rejects the teachings of Wiccans and UUA as they may not recognise a "God" but embraces several Eastern faiths which also don't recognise a "God" as such.

This last is the cause of much bandwidth between the BSA and the UUA, which can be better viewed on the UUA website.


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