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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
marty D Pinewoods - An evil Empire??? (44) RE: Pinewoods - An evil Empire??? 07 Jun 01

Sorry for the overeaction INOBU but you have to admit that the 'Evil Empire' bit would pique anyone's curiosity. If you'd put a link in to the other thread it would have helped (thanks desert dancer) clarify your points.

One thing has me stumped though. You are obviously playing highly charged political material, and yet you want to be payed a decent wage for it. WHO DOES get payed for making a middle of the road audience uncomfortable? I simply can't picture a club owner who needs customers of all political stripes including Pat Buchanan supporters, actually WANTING a portion of his clientele to be offended. And paying for it to boot. As far as little folk gigs go, I'd be surprised if the people who play them weren't part of some extended family. Don't you think you're trying to have it both ways by whacking society (often needed) but also asking that same society to pay you for doing it? I think that most of the musicians in your field of politics would HAVE to have a day job to pay the rent.


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