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GaryD Lyr Req: We Didn't Know (Paxton) & protest songs (40) RE: Can you help find a protest song from the 60s 04 Dec 98

Wow, powerful lyrics on both those songs... Love Paxton, but don't have many of his recordings... does he have a site? Oh, it IS good to see some of you still have kept some of your value systems from those days! We are rather inclined to become complacent when things are going well for us. We forget that some of those problems still exist and such songs are timeless.

Meanwhile, there was another protest song that I remember snatches of.."Lyndon Johnson told the Nation, Have no fear of escalation...I'm trying everyone to please... and though this isn't really war, we're sending 50,000 more.... to help save Vietnam from the Vietnamese..."

Anybody know the rest? Thanks.. Gary

Click here, Gary.
-The Masked Mudcatteer-

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