Amergin, I know what you mean. I'm originally from Mass. and it's hard being here. If TX washed away, I guess I'd have to move unless I washed away with it. That'd be no good.
So are there good paying jobs where you are? Actually, Houston isn't so bad but Gulf Coast Texas is flat, hot and humid and a long drive from anywhere with topography. But it is wonderful here in February.
I haven't heard about damage specifically at M. D. Anderson, just the Medical Center in general. I know many patients were flown or driven to other hospitals. I think one hospital lost its emergency generators and there is speculation that some patients died because of this.
Now is the ugly time in this tragedy when people are starting to point fingers and blame others. It's pretty hard to place blame on people when Mother Nature is behind it all.
Peg, are you from Rapid City? I think their big flood was in 1972.
So we're drying out and cleaning up and hoping it doesn't rain for a while.
emily b