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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
John J at home Annoying Bodhran, what to do? (177* d) RE: Annoying Bodhran, what to do? 16 Jun 01

Thanks 42, with a name like that you were bound to have an answer!

I would love the club organiser to get involved in this valuable discussion, but I don't believe he would. Whilst I think he has an attitude of 'live and let live' (which I strongly agree with), I don't think club etiquette is something he's too aware of. The organiser, a competant guitarist and singer / songwriter, is not a traditional performer. Having said that, he's been to other clubs, played along in sessions so he should know the score.

I would also dearly love the bodhranist (eh? know what I mean) to be involved in the discussion. Who knows, perhaps the next post to this thread!

Please don't think I want to stop none traditional performers going to the club. Although my preference is for traditional music / singing, a club that doesn't allow all types of performers is a club that would be very boring. A couple of years ago the club was visited by a VERY good singer performing material from musicals. Not folk at all. But he performed, was applauded well for his good singing. He was made welcome....we haven't seen him since, but there you go.

Getting back to the start of this thread, the bodrhanist concerned has fans, and therefore support in the club. He plays guitar, sings funny songs, and entertains. It's a difficult situation to deal with.

If it doesn't get resolved (and I'm not going to say anything at the club, not unless he starts banging his bodhran to my singing again) I'll just not bother with the club again.

Cheers all,


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