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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
John J at home Annoying Bodhran, what to do? (177* d) RE: Annoying Bodhran, what to do? 19 Jun 01

Hi UB Dan, and thanks for your input.

Thanks also Sophoclese for your support!

The problems I have with this bodhran player are many, but the main problem I have is he actually puts me off singing.

Last week I completely lost the thread of my song due to the intrusive manner in which the bodhran was played.

In addition to that, the bodhran wasn't played in the rhythm I was singing. When I apologised to the guy later in the evening for having to ask him to stop, and also giving my reasons, his response was that my timing was at fault. I thought that a little unreasonable, but chose not to pursue the matter and to walk away from the situation in an amicable way as possible.

The fact that all other musicians remain quiet when I (or all the other unaccompanied singers at the club for that matter) sing and he chooses to bang away on his bodhran is barely worth mentioning in comparison.

There is no doubt that a bodhran can go really well with many performances, but I'm not good enough a singer to deal with an out of time, interfering noise.

I hope that puts you in the picture.


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