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Julia Tune Req: Shantyman's Hail (1) Shanteyman's Hail 25 Jun 01

Sorry to so long giving this attention- we've been on the road... Fred has re-recorded this song on his current album "The Ballad of Cappy John" which contains some other stuff that might interest those of a nautical persuasion.(Cappy John's Bride and Ramona are my particular favorites) It's also on the original "Castlebay" album (lp and cassette) and "Down to the Shore", both of which are out of print.I'd also be happy to send the sheet music. We will be playing at the Central PA Festival of the Arts on July 13 and 14, State College PA; at Downs Park , Pasadena MD on the 15 and in Bath,Maine a joint concert with the group "Roll & Go" on Sat July 28. Check our website at for schedule and other info. Cheers! Julia lane

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