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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Paul Mitchell Chromatic Harmonica (8) Chromatic Harmonica 16 Jul 01

A music thread that I hope doesn't start an argument...

I've recently bought a chromatic harmonica (2nd hand). It's a Hohner one, qite nice sound and all that. I've a few questions I'm hoping people might be able to help with..

1) I think I need some of those things that go over the notes (a kind of reed thing, probably there to control the air flow or similar..) Can anyone tell me of a place I can get spares?

2) Where is a good place to start learning this instrument. I have played blues type harmonica at a very basic level for a while, so I hope I've got all that breathing stuff sorted out.. Any pointers gratefully received.

Whilst I'm here... Thanks to those that have created and keep this site going. It's been really helpful to me in several ways, not all musical.


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