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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,emily b What's the weather like where you are? (3240* d) RE: What's the weather like where you are? 16 Jul 01

I'm here in Houston and it's been hot, mid-90's and quite humid. Many mosquitos after our big flood last month. Summer is nowhere near over. It'll be like this through Sept. at least. Right now I'm in the middle of a thunderstorm that is no doubt lowering the temp a bit but the a/c will continue to run for a few months. The crepe myrtle is beautiful, I found a lone, late magnolia on Saturday that I buried my nose in for that wonderful scent.

I'm a city girl who doesn't grow things except rosemary and bouganvilla which is also beautiful. All the perfect weather elsewhere sounds too good to be true but I know it is true. I'm escaping to Maine in a few days so maybe Kendall's perfect weather will hold for me. I'll have to put out another thread about music up there.

Please, everyone up north, flap your arms collectively and send a cold front this way. We would be forever grateful.

All the best,


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