Last Saturday, on the Mary Cliff show on PBS in Washington DC, I heard a parody that nearly made me crash the car, I was laughing so hard:
As I walked out on a May morning
To see the (missing) and the birds a-singing
I saw three bears a-passing by,
And one of them her hands was wringing,
"O-Dear-O, O-Dear-O, Me husband's got no porridge in him, O-dear-o."
It went on from there, telling the 3-bears story from Mama Bear's view, and ending with Mama going home to her own mother's house after "finding a blond beneath the blanket" -- when Hubby tried to deny it all, and suggests the girl might have broken in -- why should she believe such a "fairy story". Wonderful stuff, and it's easy to see how the song grew once the kicker chorus came up. The female singer and chorus even caught the style of Maddy Prior's "Me Husband's Got No Courage In Him".
Does anyone know who wrote this, and maybe have the words?
Many thanks!
Lynn T