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Jock Morris Fort William Catters (7) RE: Fort William Catters 26 Jul 01

Fort William is on the West coast of Scotland, about 13 miles North of Glencoe. It is at the Southern/Western end of the caledonian canal, which runs through the Great Glen.

Big Phil,

Try and get to the Clachaig Inn in Glencoe on either a Friday or Saturday night; not always folk music, but always live music to be had. If you're lucky it'll be Lionel McLelland or his band "Black Eyed Biddy".

I've never been able to find a good session in Fort William; 'fraid it's just too touristy:-( If you do manage to find one please let me know! I'll be up that way (and probably a lot further North) towards the end of August.


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