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Don Meixner Two questions for you harp (harmonica) player (6) RE: Two questions for you harp (harmonica) player 01 Jan 99

Mr. Fox,

I own several Blues harps which is a Tm of Honer for a specific style of diatonic harmonica. I find that depending on the key, Blues Harps tend to jam up. I much prefer Golden Melody harps for reasons of tone, durability, shape. Of course some one will have the same opininon in reverse.

You can take them apart and with a razor blade carefully clean out the stopped up reeds. Sometimes you can even be successful as well. Lee Oskar ios a brand of harmonica with removable and replaceable reeds. Kinda costlyand some folks don't like the tone.

Chromatic harmonicas are just that, chromatic. With a full compliment of sharps, or flats, for complete scales. They are very expensive and usually much bigger than the old Marine Band Harp.

Don Meixner

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