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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Don Meixner Makem & Clancy's The Mermaid (11) RE: Makem & Clancy's The Mermaid lyrics and music 04 Jan 99

Actually you are looking for Gordon Bok's Peter Kagan and The Wind. Remember the line..

"Kagan, Kagan, Kagan, Bring the dory Home."

Thats the wife singing to Peter Kagan from the shore. This is an outgrowth of the Great Silkie (Seal Folk) legends that we discussed a month or so back.

"Peter Kagan and The Wind" can be found along with other great songs in Gordon's song book from Folk-Legacy. Sandy Paton who is on this list quite often can probably better direct you than I towards these lyrics and chords.

Don Meixner

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