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GUEST,Denise:^) Sexist lyric? Change it or ....? (98* d) RE: Sexist lyric? Change it or ....? 08 Aug 01

Note that I'm still smiling, but...

You can't convince me that it's better to water down a song by saying "person" than it is to broaden your horizons a bit and think that "man" might just include you, as well. (I'll bet, as a kid, you needed a 'personal invitation' to join the class in every activity, too: "Students, get out your science books. Mary, get out your science book--didn't you hear me?)

And, I'm sorry, but,
"Rise again, rise like a steeple,
That her name not be lost to the knowledge of people"
is so absolutely ridiculous that I can't believe anyone even proposed it!! (It scans crummy, too.) Our group has done 'Mary Ellen Carter' HUNDREDS of times--and NEVER has any one--man, woman, child--EVER objected to, or even mentioned, the line in question.

(Okay, one guy did come up and ask us if they ever *did* get the ship up, but other than that...)

There are lots of songs out there, folks! If one doesn't suit you, pick another that will!

But, really--steeple, people? Come on!

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