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GUEST,Denise:^) Folk Music Week at Pinewoods (4) RE: Folk Music Week at Pinewoods 12 Aug 01

I'd love to go, but it's after school starts out here. (I'm a teacher; I never make it to Winfield, either.)

I'd appreciate seeing a short blurb on how you thought it went, after the camp is over.

I went to Cumberland Camp (Lloyd Shaw Foundation sponsors that one, not CDSS) this year and found it quite enjoyable. Lots of dance, lots of chances to play/learn/practice music. I'd have enjoyed more singing, and maybe a chance for an 'open stage' or song swap, but it was still a great week. They had a very extensive children's program, so lots of families were there, but those of us without children didn't have to have them underfoot (or running around) all the time--they were BUSY. Good music, good callers, good staff in general, nice facility, good food...I'd recommend it.

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