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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
tiggerdooley OBIT: Aaliyah - RIP (43) RE: OBIT: Aaliyah - RIP 31 Aug 01

Firstly: she had a beautiful voice (BLUES influenced) and she shared it with the world. Surely we're MUSIC lovers first, folk and blues lovers second. We appreciate a voice when we hear one don't we?
Second:Apart from all this BS, she was a mere kid with her life ahead of her, and now her mother is arranging her funeral. The 'Catters are a caring bunch, they've helped me through tough times in the past.
Lets just say my cousin had just died. She wasn't a folk or blues performer, she didn't LIKE folk or blues. But we form relationships here, and I'd like to think that what matters to me, should mean more than just gossip to the next 'Catter. Same as when people ask for prayers and thoughts for sick friends or relatives, they get them. Now this meant enough to Fiola for her to post a thread about it, so we should either give it the time of day, or simply ignore it, but don't get all elitist about it, 'cos I thought we all had more sense and compassion than that.
Lecture over!
Love Tigger (RIP Aaliyah)

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