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GUEST,Adolfo Susana Seivane, piper- Listen up! (30) RE: Susana Seivane, piper- Listen up! 01 Sep 01

Apart from the fact that Seivane is an outstanding player, it has struck me as odd to see that Milladoiro was missing in those lists about Spanish performers. I wonder if it is because they are so famous that don't need to be introduced here, but just in case they do, please get hold of something by them. They were (are) the forefathers of Spanish traditional music and an inspiration not only for Gallician musicians but for everyone here. Also try Llan de Cubel, from Asturias. By the way, I was saving for a year to buy a Seivane pipe, magnificent indeed (a medium, not an extraordinary one...couldn't have afforded it!). $1000 it was.

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