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Don Meixner Origin: Yea Ho, Little Fish (28) RE: LITTLE FISHES (TRAD?) - INFO PLEASE 16 Jan 99

Gordon Bok and Edd Trickett both sing this tune and maintain it's history as a melody can be traced to ancient Greece. How this is done I can't say. It is the song from Captains Couragous as sung by Manuel the Portugese. Spencer Tracy sings it to a tune on the Hurdy Gurdy. I have used it as a lullaby for my daughter and twin sons and its aboput the only song I can play on the cocertina.

There's a place in my heart for the one I love best. And I still keep her picture tattooed on my chest. Yea ho little fishes... You go to fish schools and you learn from a book, How not to get caught on a fisherman's hook. Yea ho ....

Must be many verses and its a great song along song for coffeehouse or forecastle.

Don Meixner

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