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Julia Lyr Req: Ned on the hill....who sings lady in (7) RE: Lyr Req: Ned on the hill....who sings lady in 13 Sep 01

This is a much anglised version of this song.

I believe that which you have as a "chorus" is actually the second half of the first verse , the whole song being two verses. That's what fits the melody that I have anyway

here's the last half of last verse

It is hard to escape from this young lady's bower For high is the castle and guarded is the tower But where there's a will there is always a way And young Eilleen is gone with young Ned of the hill

The original song "Eamonn an Chnuic" was in Gaelic and a bit more somber- "Ned" was Edmund Ryan of the Hill, from Tipperary, whose family's lands had been seized by the Cromwellians. He was a member of the "Wild Geese" a band of disenfranchised Catholic men fighting for freedom.Although "Ned" had a reputation as a romantic poet and ladies' man, he met a grisly end. You can read more about him (and lots of other neat stuff) in Donald O' Sullivan's "Songs of the Irish" published in 1960 by Bonanza Books (Crown Publishers)

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