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LR Mole Mudcat Cookbook fundraiser-post your recipe-2 (57* d) RE: M'Cat Cookbk fundraiser II-POST RECIPEs 17 Sep 01

1-11/2 lb. ground chuckbeef
Can Tomato Paste
Can Chicken with Rice Soup
4 or 5 handfulls of Special K
Enough Italian Flavored Breadcrumbs to
make the top dusty in the bowl
A little milk over the top to moisten things
Throw all this into a bowl:burger,soup (don't dilute),tomato paste, egg, cereal, crushed between hands,amd the little bit of milk. Then moosh the whole ything together until it's all the same, splop into a loafpan or two, and cook at 350 for an hour and a half. IF an onion is insisted upon, peel it, cut it into lenthwise quarters and plug these into one end so they can be easily avoided. As long as you're doing this, bake some potatoes in there; if they're very big potatoes, put them in a half hour before the loaf.Hide one slice before serving so as to be able to make a cold meatloaf sandwich with cheddar and Mayo the next day.

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