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GUEST,Adolfo BS: Anthems-are-us (74* d) RE: BS: Anthems-are-us 19 Sep 01

Interesting thread. I just thought you might like to know that we the Spanish are the only people in the world who whistle their tune as our National Anthem has remained without words to it for more than 25 years. We all wonder what to sing your anthem feels like. I've recently been to Wales and people there have grown extraordinarily fond of this song Yma o Hyd as a modern anthem. Some also say their new national song should be Men of Harlech. The same about the Irish? (Foggy Dew, Danny Boy...). Has anyone mentioned the former Soviet anthem? Delicious music. And...yes: sweet days when I used to stand up only when Gaudeamus Igitur was played.

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