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Paul Mitchell National I.D. Card (109* d) RE: National I.D. Card 27 Sep 01

Here in England I heard that 1 in 10 people driving cars don't have a driving licence. The police can't keep up with that one, why should they be able to keep up with a National I.D. card. A real worry is that this would give the police one more tool to use in harrasing innocent people. If you have to produce an I.D. card on request or face some sanction it gives the police all kind of easy targets. What of the homeless people I work with who have enough trouble getting I.D. together when all their possesions are stolen? What of the travellers who find their belongings so regularly searched and their I.D. "removed" by some police officers? It's another stick the few dodgy coppers will use to make themselves felt.


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