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Rory B Capo makes my guitar sound out of tune (36) RE: Help: Capo makes my guitar sound out of tune 14 Oct 01

No..not the real one....not even close...sigh. I am merely an adoring fan. All of this past year I went in search of women that play the blues...especially the old delta type. I found many talented artists but I have to say Rory is a big favorite of mine and not just because we sing in the same key either! There is so much music out there WOW....the more I learn the more I see that I need and want to learn. So many of the old Bluemen and Women have passed on, I feel determined to keep their wonderful music alive (my kids love the blues too), artists like Rory have picked up the torch and I hope it will get passed on and on and on. Huggggggs -Rory-

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